07800 809540
Buteyko Breathing Practitioner
Somatic Experiencing Practioner
Safe and Sound Protocol
Hackney E5 8RJ
Daniela Sangiorgio
Alexander Technique
What to expect and price
The lesson is generally a one to one session and lasts 60 minutes. Each session is tailored for the individual. With the gentle guidance of my hands on the person and verbal explanation, you will discover where you are holding unnecessary muscular/mental tension. You will then have the choice to carry on with habitual patterns or to explore freer alternatives that will encourage balance, poise and co-ordination. You will gain awareness that will enable a positive change long standing habits.
With my help, you will find ease and balance in daily movements and everyday activities.
Part of the lesson includes "active rest" which is lying down in the Alexander Technique semi-supine "position" to allow support and relief for the back.
LESSONS AVAILABLE ONLINE. The Technique works effectively online too. With the use of my observation skills, the warmth use of my voice and gentle communication I will guide you through finding out where you are holding excessive tension.
Why choosing me? I always look into improving my knowledge of the Technique by attending workshop and seminars. These have allowed me to expand my repertoire in my teaching. I have a rage of tools that I can apply according to the needs of the client.
FREE 20-30 min consultation.
SPECIAL OFFER: each session is £55 or book 5 sessions and save £25 (pay £250 instead of £275).
If you are on Universal Credit or need a"hand" each session is £50.
Student in full time education pay £50
Cancellation policy: 24 hours
I also teach in E8 as a complementary practitioner at HQ Therapy. Price per session in E8 is £48
Working with musicians
How to avoid back pain sitting at the piano and by playing tension free you will improve your sound as well.
Active rest
Spend 10-20 minutes each day lying down on your back. It helps your back regain strength, gives pain relief and offers lasting long term solutions to your back pain!
Bending in the Alexander Technique way: The Monkey Position
This is not a position but a way of moving in everyday life that makes bending, lifting, moving furniture and other actions easier
Walking with poise and balance: allow the crown of the head to lead the movement.
Sitting on the 'sitting bones'
We balance on our sitting bones with weight going through both bones equally.
Working with young people
Exploring being in balance on the 'balance board'.
Saddle work
The body can balance more easily on the saddle. Saddle work is very useful to explore tightness in the legs and hip joints.
Have you considered squatting instead of sitting? Children squat instinctively and in Asian or African countries it is an everyday activity. Squatting is great for open up the hips and integrate the spine.